I am using OJS 2.4.8
I used ALM and it was working well until the PKP ALM service deprecated.
Now I am trying to use it to read internal statistic.
I wanted to clear the ALM stetting but it was not possible. I tried to delete and make a new ALM installation but the previous setting appear. How to clear the ALM setting (without edit directly to db)?
Do you mean the settings? Or do you mean the previously collected statistics?
To delete previously collected statistics, clear the cache. Either manually by deleting the files that start with fc-alm or by going through the Site Admin pages and clearing all template aches.
I meant the settings… I did clear the cache and all template caches…
Can’t you just blank out the settings under Plugins > generic plugins > ALM Plugin?
No it has asterisk and it has to be something within…
I remove the value jAlperin, I just went to the database and remove the value directly.