Release date of OJS 3.0

We intend to use Open Journal System for a new project. Obviously the upcoming release 3.0 has some major changes. Thus, we wonder whether it is worth waiting for the new release. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a release date on the OJS website. Does anyone know about the schedule?

Hi @PublishingFuture,

We’ll be releasing OJS 3.0 in the coming year – and it’s our top priority, so I hope you won’t have to wait long. However, we haven’t formally announced a date yet.

Depending on your specifics, you could…

  • Start working with the current development version on This is bleeding edge but is stabilizing as we move towards 3.0 and is already usable.
  • Start with OJS 2.4.x and migrate when 3.0 comes out. You won’t want to invest much effort in customizing or beautifying OJS 2.x, but the upgrade process will include content migration, so you’ll be able to bring your content across when you’re ready.

The best option will depend on your own plans, I suspect.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

Is there any rough estimation of OJS 3.0 release date yet?

Thanks heaps

Hi @ghazal,

We’re hoping to release OJS 3.0 at the end of the second quarter of this year.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher ,
as it is quite near, and I do not want to make the all process of teaching all my colleagues again about the roles :slightly_smiling: since in version 3 I suppose it will have quite new stuff and different interface :slight_smile: I was wondering how the current (current development version on is stable in the part of using it only as editorial system (peer-review system) (will not use it for publishing at least for the moment)? If it is stable on this part so we can use it rather than 2.4x?

Many thanks!

Hi @vebaev,

Overall it’s behaving quite nicely – but one of the major risks you’re taking is that we won’t be able to provide production-level support on it. If you encounter something that’s broken, or we make a change that requires your database data to be altered somehow, the help we provide will be limited. I think the best way to check it out would be to try the vagrant configuration – starting that up is a one-liner – to assess for yourself how ready you think it is.

Alec Smecher
Public Knolwedge Project Team

“End of the second quarter of this year” is next week. Is there a concrete launch date for OJS 3?

We are still targeting summer of 2016, but there is not a firm release date yet.

You can watch current milestones here: