The “Registration” link in “Conference information” redirects to the main page:
All the dates have been set correctly, as far as I can tell, and we defined several registration types. Where can we look to try to locate the problem?
Most likely the cause is that your payment plugin is reporting that its configuration requirements are not met. Make sure all the form fields on the payment configuration form are filled in properly, and if you’re using PayPal, ensure that your PHP installation supports cURL.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I don’t think removing the payment method will help; that will probably cause OCS to think it hasn’t been properly configured. If you want to debug further, I’d suggest looking at the code; the redirect that is probably causing you trouble is this:
If you’ve made changes to OCS, you may have to look at those more closely; I don’t know what those will look like.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have just had exactly the same problem. Just came across this post as I went to post about my problems. It’s taken me a day of work to figure this out. Yes the answer was in the old archives.
In my case all was working fine in my test conference but in my production setup when you click on the About link the Registration link does not show under Policies. When you click the Registration link in the Information block it redirects to the index page. The Registration types and timeline were all fine with correct dates and
registration should be active.
Solution: Under the Conference Manager You need to go to the Current Conference’s Payment Methods and if using Manual Fee Payment enter any text into the Instructions text entry box e.g. “You must email us!”.
Now the Registrations link will appear and it will go to registrations.
Hi @asmecher. I’m trying to set up online registration and am really struggling. I’ve managed to set my registration types and options. But when I test register myself, I get to the Registration Information page after choosing Registration Type and clicking register, I see the options and can choose them, but there is no button to go further than that page below User Account. Please help as I have used the Forum as much as possible to debug the rest of the registration process but I cannot find anything for this problem. I have now created a second user account for myself with another email address to test if it was just a conference manager issue, and now it won’t go to the registration page at all - it keeps going back to the index. I have made sure there is text in the Manual Payment section but if I need to upgrade the plugin, where can I find the upgrade?
Not sure of they are related but I also seem to be having this issue in the Submissions section - I have two OCS that I am running, the one is fine and the second is doing this weird stuff. Screenshots below:
It sounds as though OCS is behaving like your manual payment plugin hasn’t been configured, but if you’ve already verified that the plugin has been chosen and instructions filled in via the settings form, then perhaps you’re having a file permissions problem in the cache/ subdirectory that’s preventing the settings from being properly saved and cached. Double-check your file permissions there – if they’re set correctly, you should be able to delete all .php files there and see them re-generated automatically as you use the site.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for the response - I have forwarded that to my backend person in the hope he can fix it. Will that fix everything? The submissions page as well?
I suspect the truncated submission page will correspond to an error message in your server’s PHP error log; I would suggest checking there for details.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Our backend guy reported the following to me and asked if you have any ideas? He said it might be a config option that is missing? He said he can send a copy of the whole file if that would assist:
"I’m seeing this error repeated over and over:
[:error] [pid 98323] [client
15] ocs2 has produced an error\n Message: WARNING: fopen(): Filename cannot be
empty\n In file: /usr/local/www/apache24/data/ocs/lib/pkp/classes/file/FileWrap\n At line: 72\n Stacktrace: \n Server info:\n OS: FreeBSD\n P
HP Version: 5.5.36\n Apache Version: Apache/2.4.20 (FreeBSD) PHP/5.5.36\n DB
Driver: mysql\n DB server version: 5.5.46"
I’m the backend guy that @Freyni referred to… I think that previous log message I quoted was not relevant to the problem - I don’t see it when I replicate the problem myself. However, what I do get (sum total of the error) is this:
[Wed Jul 20 07:25:08.216173 2016] [:error] [pid 20340] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function ctype_lower() in /usr/local/www/apache24/data/ocs/lib/pkp/lib/htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier/Token/Tag.php on line 37, referer:
I’m not a PHP developer, but that sounds to me like there’s a missing dependency that I need to install?