We where publishing our journal on different platform now we want to publish it with OJS.
My old archive issues is in PGF Format and I am not able to upload on OJS. What is the best way to upload old published issues IN OJS ?
How to make XML format ?
I think Quick plugin is for XML files is it sir ?
Which XML format are you referring to? Is this the XML native import/export format in order to import back-issues, or the JATS XML format, which is used for e.g. indexing of medical journals?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Which will be appropriate for me ? Please suggest.
That depends on your goals. What are you trying to do?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sir my journal http://ijellh.com is publishing research papers since four
years and published nearly 6000 papers.
Please suggest which will be easy and appropriate why to import old archive
issues .
We are new to OJS .
With that much content, I’d recommend the native import/export plugin. There is sample XML e.g. at ojs/issue.xml at ojs-stable-3_0_2 · pkp/ojs · GitHub.
How you’ll generate XML to suit this format is up to you and will depend on what format it’s currently in. For large imports it’s not uncommon to scaffold some scripts that aid in converting your old data to the new format.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec
Thanks for prompt response.
Sir my old achchive is in PDF format, please suggest how to convert them in
XML and upload OJS Protocol.
The more important consideration will be what format your existing metadata is in. It is the metadata which will need to be converted to the native XML format; the PDFs can then be embedded in the XML (via base64 encoding) or linked by local filename (via href attributes).
The prerequisite, however, is being able to get your old metadata from the database or files or otherwise, and export that into XML.
Dear Simon
I an not able to understand it, please spacify it ?
I have questiona ; .My old achchive is in PDF format, how to and upload
them according to OJS Protocol ?
Metadata includes the Article’s author, title, pagination, etc, and includes the Issue’s volume, number, and year. It is this information that makes up the bulk of the XML which OJS expects. Can you extract that information in bulk from your current site?
Sir sorry but you are not able to understand my problem on I am not understanding.
My website http://ijellh.com. I am running on Wordpress but now I want to shift platform to OJS . As I able to understand OJS is a good software and good initiative.
Sir I am not able to understand that how i can upload my old archive issues which are on PDF format not in XML.
OJS Plugins support XML format to upload old archive issues.
Please tell me - How to convert PDF into XML or how to upload old archive issues wile shifting to OJS .
Let’s look at http://ijellh.com/cultural-encounters-in-leila-aboulelas-the-translator as an example.
You have the article’s full text available in PDF at http://ijellh.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/01.-Hala-Mohamed-Abdel-Raouf-paper-final.pdf
You also have metadata associated with the article:
- Abstract: Leila Aboulea (1964- ) is a Sudanese contemporary novelist…
- Key Words: Multiculturalism, Assimilation, …
- Associated Isssue: Volume V, Issue III March 2017
- And more…
All of this needs to be transferred into OJS.
Using the user interface, perhaps the QuickSubmit plugin, you could upload each PDF and copy and paste each piece of metadata for every article. This would be a large effort.
If you can extract the metadata from Wordpress to XML, you could instead end up with something like:
<issue xmlns="http://pkp.sfu.ca" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" published="1" current="1" access_status="1" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pkp.sfu.ca native.xsd">
<section ref="ART" seq="1" editor_restricted="0" meta_indexed="1" meta_reviewed="1" abstracts_not_required="0" hide_title="0" hide_author="0" abstract_word_count="0">
<abbrev locale="en_US">ART</abbrev>
<title locale="en_US">Articles</title>
<articles xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pkp.sfu.ca native.xsd">
<article xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" locale="en_US" section_ref="ART" seq="1" access_status="0">
<abstract locale="en_US">Leila Aboulea (1964- ) is a Sudanese contemporary novelist....</abstract>
<authors xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pkp.sfu.ca native.xsd">
<author primary_contact="true" include_in_browse="true" user_group_ref="Author">
<firstname>HALA MOHAMED</firstname>
<affiliation locale="en_US">ASSUIT UNIVERSITY – NEW VALLEY BRANCH</affiliation>
<submission_file xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" stage="submission" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pkp.sfu.ca native.xsd">
<revision number="1" genre="Article Text" filename="01.-Hala-Mohamed-Abdel-Raouf-paper-final.pdf" viewable="true" filetype="application/pdf">
<name locale="en_US">Cyclomatic Complexity: theme and variations</name>
<embed href="http://ijellh.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/01.-Hala-Mohamed-Abdel-Raouf-paper-final.pdf">
This is not intended to be complete for valid, but an XML like that can be used to import the article metadata and PDF files into OJS.