I am not been able to find any solutions to customize the font size and capitaling of the words like Capital instead of CAPITAL on the abstract page in relation to the title of the article.
See this URL: http://thescholedge.org/index.php/sijmd/article/view/236
Pl suggest.
Hi Sunil,
If I am not wrong, you want to write the article heading in your own style, instead of ojs’s default uppercase heading style.
This case is purely related to CSS styling. If you are familier with CSS than OK If not please read below.
If I am wright, than please make changes on your CSS file which you are using,
by observing your page , I found, Please go to /plugins/themes/classisRed/classicRed.css
There probably in the line No. 92
see the code like #main h3 { }
inside it you will find a code : text-transform: uppercase;
Please disable or delete it from here, save the file and your work is done.
Here I have done it through my chrome browser tool. The changes which I made will reflect only over my browser, I have done it to show you. for you, you have to do it in the path which I told you above.

Note: The changes will occure only for the CSS theme which you change, and all the"h3" tags comes under the “main” for this theme.
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Thank you @abraham.john for the advice. I did delete the code as suggested by you but unfortunately it is still as it was. Can you suggest more on this.
Thanks in advance.
First of all am I going in right direction, or not? did you saw the image, my changes were inside red square?
Yes you are in right direction. I saw the screenshot as attached by you. Wondering as to why this is not working from my end.
Pl suggest. Thanks.
was it the same css which you have opted for the journal settings?
Or please login as admin and clear the cache files from there.
Ok I got another solution.
In your ClassicRed.css file please go to Line #115
#content h3 {
font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times, Georgia, serif;
text-transform: uppercase;
There again disable or delete the code “text-transform: uppercase;”
save the file and refresh the browser page . I hope It will work
Note: Again If you will delete this uppercase all the text which were in “h3” tag of your page comes under content will automatically lose the uppercase.
@abraham.john Content h3 code deletion worked. Thank you.
Additionally, can you pl suggest as to how can I reduce the gap between the Menu bar and Title. Thanks in advance:)
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Also, see one of my earlier posted query at DOI on Table of content page
Can you suggest on the same as well? Thanks in advance!
Below the menu bar (nav bar in ojs) it comes a breadcrumb. So you want to reduce the distance between breadcrumb and the title of the article.
Ok to do so please go to /styles/articleView.css
go to line # 59
#topBar {
width: 100%;
padding-top: 1em;
padding-bottom: 2.5em;
here make the changes into code padding-top: 1em;
to any lesser value like .5 or .3 and save the file.
Similarly you can reduce the bottom space too by reducing “2.5em” by reducing it.
Note: Here I will not suggest you to delete this line because it is your ojs structure css file, any deletion may (may) take effect if you will change your journal css, So “1em” space was left intentionally by ojs developers.
and some times “Open access and Subscription access Icons” are shown in that place, as par if you select them to show in your journal settings".
Please inform me If It works.
For this specific problem DOI, to be very frankly I am not ant an expert in it, but some how I have found this link for, I hope It will be helpful for you If you have not read it.
and for your solution some one expert in this area should take an initiative.
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Thank you for help. Appreciated:)
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It worked on reducing space. Many Thanks!
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