ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined

Hi @asmecher,
I have disabled the plugin Tinymce on the admin settings to get no code filtering on a custom block, but at the first term it did not disabled. However, now I have two endless spinners on plugins tab and no plugins are loading.

Before disabling the plugin, it loaded fine. Now Tinymce is not enabled, but I am no able to enable it back.

Also, I noticed some of custom blocks were no able to be modified. I clicked the edit link but nothing happened.

OJS 3.0.2

Is there any way to solve this problem without reinstalling OJS or going for a backup?

Thank you

Daniel Becerra

I just have found out the tinyMCE reference at the database is duplicated, and only one of them is affected by the OJS settings, so there was a conflict for the browser. But, should I delete the other one?

Regards :slight_smile:


Guys, I always write to ask for help but I also have to thank this big evolution of OJS, it must be a huge effort and it is much more intuitive now, so really thank you for your work and for doing mine easier.

About the custom blocks non editable, I think it is due to their names have spaces, and at OJS 2.4.8 was no a problem, however at 3.0.2 it seems to have a validation for the titles of the custom blocks that avoids to use them, so it could be a bug, because the only way to solve it after upgrading is to modify them at the database. Do you know where at the database should I modify the name of this blocks to grant their edition?

The blocks with the arrow are no editable:


I hope at least my experiences save some time to other people in the same situation.

Kind regards,

In order to help keep responses coherent and to help others find similar questions and answers, please dedicate each thread to a single question when possible.

For the TinyMCE problem, the second column in your database represents the context for the plugin setting: 0 for the Site Context, or another number (e.g. 1) for a specific Journal Context. As you note, in a single journal install, navigating to the “Plugins” tab of “Website Settings” will only affect the journal’s Context ID (in your case, context “1”).

The problem of the links not working after disabling TinyMCE was reported by another user here:

We did not, however, get any more information as to what might have been causing the problem, and I couldn’t replicate the problem. Can you give any details from your PHP error log, or JavaScript console?

The issue with the custom blocks sounds like it might be substantial enough to report as its own post. Can you repost under a new topic where the subject describes what you’ve found?

Sure, @ctgraham
I just did it at Custom blocks non editable

