Record not processed because submitted version: 1646737502 is less or equal to previously submitted version 20220115161150

Record not processed because submitted version: 1646737502 is less or equal to previously submitted version 20220115161150

Our publisher has been changed and with your support DOI has been transferred to new publisher (Medsci publications) from the earlier one (ejmanager) (as informed by crossref). Now we are using OJS platform. We are able to deposit new DOI with updated prefix.
We have uploaded all the previous article on OJS and now we have landing page link for all article. However, we don’t know how to update URL link of DOI transferred from previous publisher.
When we try to deposit old DOI, timestamp error occurs. I am enclosing the screenshot of the same.

Kindly guide us.
Medsci pub

Medsci pub1

OJS version:

Hi @National_Journal_of

This is a pretty common problem. Crossref expects a date field to be bigger or larger than a previous deposit date so that you cannot update registered metadata with old information. Sometimes, when moving between servers or hosts, the timestamp function will change formats (get bigger or smaller) and Crossref will see this as an earlier post. You can contact Crossref with a list of the relevant DOIs and request a timestamp reset for those DOIs.

That should solve the issue.

Sorry for the wait!


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