rebuildSearchIndex failed OJS

we migrated ojs to and the most characteritics all ok but when i try to rebuild index i got some errors and im not sure why, i need to deploy most detailed log to know what its the issue. this is the output when i execute the command php rebuildSearchIndex.php
Restablecer índice … hecho
Indexando “Corpoica Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria” … Syntax Error (69130): Illegal character ‘)’
Syntax Error (69447): Unexpected end of file in flate stream
Syntax Error: Unterminated string
Syntax Error: End of file inside array
Syntax Error: End of file inside array
Syntax Error: Leftover args in content stream
586 artículos indexados

here appears like indexed its ok but how i can know where are the mistakes? really apreciate your Help