Reading access to articles by unregistered users

Unfortunately, our articles are no longer freely accessible since the system changeover. Is there any way that unregistered users can read our articles? Thank you for your help and best regards, Elisa

Hi @Elisa

What system did you change over, from? OJS can provide open access if you make it so, in Settings → Distribution → Access, from the administration panel.

You can also check to see what the Access status is by looking at Issues, and checking to see what the Access Status is set to on the Access tab.


Hi @Jason, thank you for your answer. We have set “open access”. But if you enter our page, you are asked to log in. screenshot Is there a possibility, that the user is directly guided to the articles instead of the login page? Best regards, Elisa

Hi @Elisa

Can you make sure that nothing is checked off on the page: Users and Roles → Site Access Options?



Hi @Elisa

I can duplicate what you’re seeing by checking the first box on that form. Since it isn’t checked on your site, can you try clearing your template and data caches, and also “saving” that form with both boxes unchecked, just to make sure there’s nothing stuck in the database?

Also, do you use any sort of caching service?


Hi @jnugent,

could you please send me a telephone number for discussing the problem respectively finding a solution?

Best regards