Radio button next to "Yes, I agree to have my data collected and stored according to the privacy statement." is hidden in Safari

Describe the issue or problem
The radio button next to “Yes, I agree to have my data collected and stored according to the privacy statement.” (in OJS 3.3 on the first page of the article submission wizard and on the first step reviewer page, and in OJS 3.4 on the first step reviewer page) is hidden in Safari. The input element is hidden in Safari DevTools as if {display: none} was applied to it, and Safari DevTools freezes when you trying to view the style attributes for the input element, that is scrolling works, but Safari DevTools cannot be closed. You can only close the window. In Chrome and Firefox, everything is fine.

Steps I took leading up to the issue

  1. Go to ‘New submission’ or open the page on behalf of the reviewer who received the request and scroll to the bottom in Safari
  2. The radio button next to “Yes, I agree to have my data collected and stored according to the privacy statement.” is hidden. In fact, the entire text “Yes, I agree to have my data collected and stored according to the privacy statement.” becomes “a radio button” and if you click on it, you can go to the next step of the wizard.
    I won’t describe the problems with DevTools here since it is not directly related to OJS problems.

What application are you using?
Any OJS 3.4 (and OJS 3.3.0-6 as I remember), Safari 18.1, 18.2, macOS 14.7.2

Additional information
View of the input element in Safari with DevTools

and in Firefox Inspector

The same on the Brave browser.