I installed two OJS on two different servers for a test. With the first OJS, I installed the QuickSubmit plugin and it was installed and up to date, easly and quickly, see Image-1. With the second OJS, when I press on “installation” button and then on “OK”, the process go in sleep, nothing happened and the plugin installation does not work, see Image-2
I want to know what is the reason? is this due to any error during the OJS installation? Is it due to the Server type or specification? Need your help pls, thank you.
Have you checked your PHP error log?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you, I am going to check it. Now both “Translate” and “QuicSubmit” in the plugin gallery of the 2nd journal are installed and updated. But the “Translator” tab does not appear in the upper horizontal bar, see image-3, whereas, in the 1st journal the “Translate” tab is available in the upper horizontal bar, see Image-4. Any explanation, pls.