Hello. I am writing from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and we got to manage about 8 journals on different institutional OJS servers (one for each). We’ve been working for a while on the former version and now one or two of our journals have been upgraded to the OJS 3 (the newer ones). Right now we have installed the 3.0.1 version and would like to know if Quick Submit plugin is available by simply installing it from GitHub - pkp/quickSubmit Or do we need to upgrade to 3.0.2? Is more recommended to do so?
If the rest of the journals decide to upgrade to the latest version of OJS we will definitely need a good Quick Submit plugin, since we’ll have to deal in some cases with more than a hundred of journal issues. Or is there a faster way to move the journal contents up to the 3 version?
I upgraded from 2.4 to 3.0.1 with 45 journals and that was a big effort. However, I do not remember having any problems in the 3.0.2 upgrade in February. That said, every installation probably has their own potential problems. You could do a quick search with “3.0.1 3.0.2” and see if there are many problems reported. As I said, I do not recall having any.
The OJS 2.x to 3.x upgrade is unique in that it needs to adapt between two very different workflows, so it needs to reach quite deeply into the data model to rearrange everything. The OJS 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 and 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 upgrades are much less invasive, and I don’t expect we’ll do anything quite as complex as the 2.x to 3.x upgrade again for a while.
It’s always a good idea to take a backup before upgrading, but I don’t expect many people to run into problems with these lesser upgrades.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We installed the Quick Submit plugin for our 3.0.1 OJS version according with the link you’ve provided us GitHub - pkp/quickSubmit at ojs-stable-3_0_1. However, the plugin is not working, we aren’t sure why, but by clicking on the plugin in the Import/Export tool we get the following error message:
I’ll appreciate if you know what might be the cause or if you know about other stable branche.
Unfortunately I do not have a 3.0.1 installation handy where I could test this. It could be that with the upgrade to 3.0.2 that 3.0.1 branch is not maintained anymore and although it says “stable”, it is not working with OJS 301 stable.
If you are unable to upgrade your OJS to 3.0.2 (which is recommended since there are a lot of things fixed there) then you could start by checking what errors you have in your php error log.