Quick question about exporting and importing data from different versions of OJS

Hello all,

I’m beginning to export data from the corrupted version, a, that is going to be imported into a stock (now already mostly configured and a few custom code in pkp/lib/common/header.tpl, theme).

Exporting users and articles and issues using standard export tools.

I assume there won’t be any problems with the data… Am I correct?

Hi @ramon,

Using the built-in import/export tools will exclude a lot of data – workflow data like peer reviews, but also associations between user accounts and their submissions, etc. Essentially you’ll have a snapshot of the published versions of your articles.

If you need to save more, you might look at this project from Lepidus:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher!

Unfortunately, can’t use it as it’s a bugged version.
We’re unable to upgrade it to 2.4.6.
Whatever data we’ll need to preserve, will have to be done manually.