Good Morning,
I would like to know if in OJS 3 there is the possibility, as there was in version 2, of placing guidelines for proofreaders and for layout designers, that is, the equivalent of the capture that I send. Where in OJS 3 would this be done?
Thanks a lot. All the best.
Hi @aliciacarmen,
Can you elaborate what specific version of OJS you are using (e.g. 3.2.1). And did you try to share an image with this post? It appears not to be showing up…
PKP Team
Hi Roger, my version is
Hi @aliciacarmen,
Ah yes - I remember this from OJS 2.
I think that the default of providing detailed instructions through the setup process has been streamlined since the introduction of OJS 3, in favour of providing more flexibility to journals wishing to provide these types of instructions. Instead, what you can do is provide this information as part of a static page: Website Settings
PKP Team
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