Question about Article ID


I have a journal in OJS that will soon be set as an archive/read-only. This journal consists of more than 15 jurnal category and over 8,000 journal articles.

I plan to create a mirror of this read-only journal using a static site like Jekyll. For the naming of .md files, I intend to use the date published + article id pattern, for example,

The reason for naming the .md files this way is to facilitate tracking and applying rel canonical from the journal set as read-only.

My question is, are the article IDs (numeric) in OJS all unique, or is there a possibility of conflict (having the same article ID)?

Hi @rajam,

Thanks for sharing what you’re up to - this sounds very interesting. I checked with our developers and confirmed that the article IDs are indeed unique.

If you’re not already aware of it, the PKP preservation network might also be a good option for preserving your content:

Although, it doesn’t do quite the same thing that you are doing.

Additionally, if you’re going about making a static site out of your OJS site, you may be interested in this tool:

(I haven’t personally used it, but thought it might be helpful in your use case).

I think the community would be really interested in what you manage to do around creating a static site out of your OJS site. If you are able to share more once you’ve been able to carry this out, posting about it in the “Community Showcase” category here in the forum, would be a welcome addition.

PKP Team