We are registered with email id rakesh.its@gmail.com. We have some question please give answer or suggest something.Below are the Following Question.
1)Our All Journals are old and almost published 6 volume.So how we import old data to this system?Provide any documentation for that.
2)If upload XML for article how it can show?
3)For full Text Html which files can be uploaded?
4)How articles full text xml and html automatically generate from your system?
5)In Doi how to customize %x field because we have created DOI in this format journal initial.year.three digit format in sequence(Check Here) ?
6)Where to show article statics in journal?
7)Can You Provide the Cpanel Detail or FTP Details?
8)Can Journal Name is shown with Logo in header or we have Have Create Logo With journal Name?
9)How contact Form Can Show Contact us Page?
10)Can you remove index.php from url ?