I know that prepared emails are stored in a number of different places in the code, and I’m not sure I’ll be detailed enough with this request, but maybe someone can get me started.
It would be an immense help if I could get most emails sent via OJS to include the submission number in the header–at a bare minimum, it would be key to have this information in emails about reviews and reviewer assignments, as these are the ones that often get forwarded to our editorial office with pleas for help. We have between 60 and 70 active submissions under review at any given time, and even with search, it can be incredibly time-consuming to find a given article based on what we’ve received in an email.
Can someone point me to where this tag is in the code, and which library I might need to add it to in order to have it appear in emails of different types?
I’m running OJS 2.4.3.