I am using Open Source Journal. After publishing the future issue it becomes current issue but only the titles of articles etc is visible on the website. The text of the article or thesis is not available. During review and publishing procedure I attach the edited copy too. How can I attach or link the complete article.
Hi @farmannawaz
What is OJS version are you using?
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
version installed through softaculous
Hi @farmannawaz
Could you confirm that articles/submissions are published too?
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes. I have added them to the current issue. You can check it on my dummy site. kas.thebannutimes.com
before starting the Journal I am checking OSJ on this site.
Did you put in adding g alley that label is PDF. That will put a square with letters PDF and when someone clicks on that PDF will be opened in PDF viewer.
me too have same issue…
I uploaded the article but the pdf is not shown for download nor for reading…
any option?
But mine is solved the way vvucic suggested
Hello, If you want I can send you manual that I wrote so you can see detailed description of process.
I want of course …
yes of course I want
have you add file on gallay ?
Please check this link
I deleted in images names of journal, editors etc. Please let me know if you have any questions.
However, let me know if you need manual for reviewers and additional manual for authors.
Good luck!
Check this link for manual
Maybe this will help you to be more efficient.
Good luck!
Pdf is not working
please send the me the link once again
does this manual give me solution?
ok I got the pdf
let me check with this one