Thanks to all developers of OJS and for the new version.
I upgraded our system from to 3.0.2. After several refinements, I still need help at a point.
I have site admin, journal manager and journal editor roles. After upgrade, I assigned all unassigned submissions to an editor (Chief-Editor) via SQL commands. The Editor still gets a great number of published articles on “My Assigned” list, and “All Active” tab. These articles are very old, and were submitted via XML import plugin. But many of the others in the archived list were also uploaded via the same plugin. All these submissions have status = 3 [published], and stage_id = 4 in the submissions table.
I have full database access.
Is this the expected result? If not, which parameters should I change in order to move published submissions from My Assigned list to Archived list?
I attached some screenshots.
Best Regards,
Ugur Kocak
Hi @drugurkocak
Concerning the Active Submissns List: Do all issues, these articles belong to, have date_published
in the DB table issues
Another question: All those submissions seem to be in the copyediting stage (stage_id = 4 in DB). It does not matter for this issue, but the usual way would be to use the button “Send To Production” after the copyediting…
Hi @bozana
As you guessed, the date_published values of several issues were null. When I filled them with proper date values, those (published) submissions disappeared from my assigned list and all active list.
They were actually ancient issues, published before the journal’s internet system. As far as I remember, I created that issues manually, and imported old articles via xml import plugin in OJS 2.4 in 2012, and they were okay.
I have a last question, if the stage_id value for the production stage is 5 (I guess), will it be better to change stage_id values of that (imported) submissions to 5?
Thank you ever so much.
Best Regards,
Ugur Kocak
Hi @drugurkocak
I am not sure if it is good to just change the id in the DB – if you would use the UI and button “Sent To Production” this function would be executed: pkp-lib/ at ojs-3_0_2-0 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. Thus, it actually happens a lot more than just id change (i.e. also changes in some other DB tables). But I do not know how those articles were imported i.e. how and why are they in the copyedit stage etc. so I cannot tell anything for sure :-\
Hi @bozana
Your recommendations helped me to solve my problems,
Best regards,
Ugur Kocak