The date you enter in the Published field in QuickSubmit is not transferred to the Publication page. Here the field Date Published is empty. We’re running OJS
Niels Erik
The date you enter in the Published field in QuickSubmit is not transferred to the Publication page. Here the field Date Published is empty. We’re running OJS
Niels Erik
Hi @nef ,
Thanks for your question. Just wanted to confirm whether the back issue you created for “NAA 1997 - Nordic…” already Published in OJS? I suspect based on the Status: Scheduled in this screenshot, it looks like you may have not published the issue.
For reference the “Date Published” typically carries the same publication date as the entire issue publication. Generally this field is used when the publication date for a particular article is different from the entire issue. If the issue you are assigning articles to using quicksubmit has not been published, this field will remain blank.
I did do quick test of this and when I created the back issue and published it first (also adjusting the publication date to you provided in your sample) then uploaded the article using the quicksubmit, it did display the “Published Date” I entered on the QuickSubmit Plugin.
I hope that this clarification is helpful, but please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind Regards,
Public Knowledge Project Team
I can confirm that what I sent had not been published but was placed under Future Issues.
Now I have published it and even though I have adjusted the entire issue’s publication date after the publication, the individual article is listed with today’s date (see attached pictures)
Hope this illustrates the error
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
Thank you for confirming. It does look like this issue occurs when you create the 1997 (unpublished) issue and upload articles using quick submit as unpublished then assigning it to the unpublished issue. Once you publish this issue you would need to change the publication date for the issue. I did notice that the article dates don’t update.
To get around this you will want to enter the same publication date (or original) as what you had sent for the issue. This should correctly display the publication date on the issue and article level.
For the published back issue articles that are not displaying the correct date, you’ll want to unpublish and enter the correct dates and publish again.
It also looks like this issue with the Quicksubmit plugin has already been addressed with the release of OJS 3.3, and would encourage upgrading if possible. Otherwise, please use the above workaround.
Kind Regards,
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @pmangahis
Is it not possible to repair the damage without necessarily having to make an update? We have just been through a very demanding update, so it would be best if we could wait a bit before the next one.
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
I think the only way to resolve this is to manually unpublish the article, change the Date Published, save it, and republish the article.
OJS sets the published date automatically when an article is published. But if it detects that an article already has a publication date, it won’t override that. So the best thing to do when manually setting a date on an issue is to ensure that the date is set manually for all articles in that issue before it is published.
This may seem counter-intuitive in some cases, but when people use OJS for continuous publishing, each article is supposed to have a different published date from its issue.
This is an extremely annoying bug in OJS We host almost 200 journals on our platform - https://tidsskrift.dk/ - and the vast majority use QuickSubmit. Many of our editors regularly publish back files, ie old issues, so it will just give them some extra work.
@nef can you check what version of the QuickSubmit plugin you are running? I had a quick look and it looks like the datePublished
should be getting set in v1.0.5.6, which is the latest version compatible with OJS
If you’re already running that version, you may want to see if any technical support you have available can investigate why the QuickSubmit date isn’t working. You can pass them this line of code, where it should be getting set: quickSubmit/QuickSubmitForm.inc.php at stable-3_2_1 · pkp/quickSubmit · GitHub
Hi @NateWr
It seems to be a conscious choice to remove the publication date in OJS when it comes to a future issue.
Here is what is written in the note in connection with the code that removes the date:
// In OJS, a publication may be scheduled in a future issue. In such cases,
// the datePublished should remain empty and the status should be set to
// scheduled.
Hi @nef, you’re right. The datePublished
will be removed if the issue is not yet published. You’ll need to publlish the issue before setting the date.
I think this is a big problem in OJS/QuickSubmit at the moment because no hint is given for the editors that the pub date they give is not respected.
It leads to a situation where articles do not have the correct pub date set and wondering if this is also the case when the article is given a DOI? If it is, then journals are being charged a full price for DOIs instead of the back content price.
To fix this I think we should do two changes:
Quicksubmit should always force the given pubdate. This can be fixed with a single line of code. In 3.2.1 $publication = Services::get('publication')->edit($publication, ['datePublished' => $this->getData('datePublished')], $this->_request);
after the line where the Publication is published (https://github.com/pkp/quickSubmit/blob/main/QuickSubmitForm.inc.php#L376). The field should not be required. If the chosen issue is already published and the field is left empty, Quicksubmit should use issue published date.
We should allow editors to set an issue published date before they publish an issue. So if they are publishing an older issue, they can give the pubdate they want to use. We can also make OJS check if the Current issue is newer and not set this older issue as Current. The way it works now is that you can only edit the issue published date after you have published the issue. And because of this, the old articles are getting the wrong pub date set.