We used OJS till now just for editorial system and not as publishing site (since we got a separate web-site for that).
I was wondering how to start using OJS as publishing site since if I click that option the old finished issues probably will appear with no Galley and will be a mess there (since on these issues the OJS was used mainly for reviewing-editorial process). How to publish on the site only the future ones that we start from now on?
Hmm, we don’t have a feature for that use case currently. You’d probably need to consider a few other things before choosing a solution, like e.g. whether you want older issues exposed via OAI, etc. For users who hit your journal website and want to access older content, would you want them to be redirected to another resource, or would you want them to not see the presentation of older content on the OJS site at all?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
All our old issues are uploaded in a separate web site, actually we have used OJS from 6 months so we have only one old issue that can appear in the system.
I was planed to redirect users from the original site to OJS for the new issues.
So I was thinking maybe I could delete the old one and turn on the option for publishing? But if I delete the issue I hope this will not delete the submissions and editorial ewcords? What you recommend in my case?
Deleting the old issue would not delete the submissions. Probably the best thing to do would be to mark the old issue unpublished and leave it there – or better still, why not complete the data for the old issue and publish it through OJS, if it’s just a single issue?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes it is a single issue with published status, I edited some metadata with succsess, but noticed that “Galleys” section do not appear and keep Loading…with circle loop constantly? I’m I missing something and it requiers some other not finished step? (PS: this single issue was OJS 2 published before the upgrade to OJS 3, and all the issue there is no galley as it was used only to editorial process)
I can unpublish it also but I’m afraid the submissions will re-appear in the peoples dashboards and will mix with the new they are working on. As I remember the only way of clear the submissions that are done from people are to publish the issue.
Dear @ajnyga
the issue added in OJS 2 all sbmissions was empty with no added files as we used OJS only for review-editorial process, but now I wanted to add in order to appear the issue correctly with Galleys with PDF.