You know many a journals have two different sites one for public to access about journals and issues. another one to submission system. How to have using OJS? I mean i want a public site: where details of journals, issues and archives and i want to have submission system at
Is it possible to have like this, if so how can i set up using OJS?
Thanks in advance
What version are you using? By default, both the 2.x and 3.x version function as a public access site which has an option to login and gain access to the backend submission system. Each exposes the frontend-backend distinction a bit differently though.
What functional or presentation goals do you have in separating the frontend from the backend?
Thanks for your reply.
I am using 3.0.2.
Actually my requirement is accessing journal website through where
one can know about editorial board, read archives, issues and conduct
search. I want to have a completely different domain where
submission system is kept.
There fore a reader can read, search articles on journal site, when he
wants to submit he is redirected to
I think this is how many journals (at least medical journals) work at
If you are concerned about separating the appearance of the front end and the back end, OJS handles this natively without the need for a domain name change.
You can use mod_rewrite (or similar URL rewriting) to perform the DNS split you are describing, if you want. This is, however, a fairly complex process. You can search this forum for multiple previous discussions. Note, particularly, that OJS by default addresses journals as hostname.tld/index.php/journalname
, but base_url overrides can alias the journal to ajournal.tld
. In effect you would end up with two virtualhosts, one with the RESTful base_url (as your public interface), and the other one to your backend system without similar URL rewriting, but with URL blocking to the (otherwise available) public interface.
Note that we can help troubleshoot this webserver configuration as it pertains to OJS, but this is a webserver configuration challenge, not an OJS configuration, so you won’t find a step-by-step walkthrough here.
I think that HiTeach2 asks about two OJS installations. One is for published issues and another for submissions and review process. Right?
For two completely different installations, you could do the (somewhat awkward) dance of using the submission system with the “Settings → Distribution → Access” option of “OJS will not be used to publish the journal’s contents online.”, and then export the issues from this system for import into the publication system via the Native XML Import/Export plugin.
That is exactly what I do in my case. But, in that case the Current and Archive menus will not be visible.
It is also possible not to define that installation as you suggested but put in menu that Current and Archive redirect user to the installation that is used for published issues only i.e to its menus Current and Archive.
I have also put block Submission to the installation used for publishing but defined that Submission block in a way that it directs author to the installation for submissions only instead to submission within installation used for published issues only.
That may be useful if you have journals with hundreds of submissions so they easily mix up with articles that are in queue.
If needed I can provide you with links to those installations which may be useful to someone.
Thanks for everyone. I understand various workaround. This solution seems
to be manual. Is there any way like autosync both sites -without having to
export and import everytime?
I am not aware of that function. Maybe someone from OJS staff will be able to tell more about that.
I am user/sysadmin for several journals.
Import/export is not hard to do.
Hi @HiTeach2,
There’s not auto-sync available, though there are command-line import/export tools you could use to do some automation if you’re comfortable working with shell scripts etc. But before you decide to run two OJS installations, I’d suggest considering @ctgraham’s suggestion above to use mod_rewrite
to provide access to the same installation at two different URLs using rewriting. In my opinion, keeping two parallel OJS installations synced is a hassle.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team