Hi PKP team,
I’m wondering if there’s any easy way to see publicly uploaded images for a user. We have a journal admin that is working on journal styling, and wants to upload images to reference in the CSS. I see that they can be uploaded through TinyMCE/justboil.me, but if I don’t want it to appear in that box, then it gets challenging, and I might lose the URL for the image if I remove it from that box. Is there a good workaround for this that I’m just missing? The journal admin doesn’t have server access.
I wanted to add that we received another email about this, and we need to be able to load some other file types like video & audio files, and have them publicly available. Is this possible in OJS3 at this point, or something that will be added in a future release?
Hi @kaitlin,
We’re considering making files in the document library optioally public (see this issue). I’m not sure that totally suits your needs but it may do. Generally speaking, though, is something like CPanel access not an option? The file manager there is generally very usable.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks @asmecher! It sounds like that would solve our issue. We’re doing things on our own servers that don’t have cPanel, but we’ll be looking into possible alternatives for file management.