Maybe I am just not looking at the right page, but I think the link to the ‘public folder’ disappeared somehow.
We have recently upgraded from 2.4.6 to 2.4.8 and moved the installation to a new server. Today I wanted to add a file to the public folder of one of our journals but couldn’t find the link to the browser. I had activated the plugin in the old installation last year and uploaded two forms / stylesheets for our authors to download. The files are still downloadable so the folder is there … somewhere. I just can’t find the link to the browser to add another file. Shouldn’t it be in the list of ‘management pages’ when I look at it as journal manager?
As shipped, OJS offers file management of the files_dir via:
User Home → Journal Manager → Files Browser
To do what you are describing, some folks have merged the files_dir with the public directory (not recommended), or added a symbolic link from the files_dir to the public directory, or modified the code to allow the Files Browser access both the files_dir and the public directory.
The last two commits in GitHub - ulsdevteam/ojs at uls-add-public-files-to-file-manager implement that last option for us.