After enabling the hypothes.is plugin I can’t get it to work fully. I can put in notes, but the text commented is not highlighted (see below), and when I mark the text the two tools ikons don’t show up. We use the edition of OJS.
I think this is due to the interaction between PDF.js (the PDF viewer) and Hypothes.is. I’m not sure how Hypothes.is identifies what content has been annotated, but I suspect Hypothes.is is having trouble identifying and interacting with it.
We use the stock copy of the PDF.js code for the OJS plugin, and I note that Hypothes.is is maintaining a modified copy on github.com. I wonder if trying that version instead would fix the issue.
In any case, I suspect Hypothes.is has run into this before – could you try contacting them, and please report back?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
After a quick conversation with Jon at Hypothes.is it sounds like the solution is to use their branch of PDF.js instead of enabling OJS’s Hypothes.is plugin. They don’t fully support annotating the contents o an iframe, but their modified copy of PDF.js has the Hypothes.is embedding set up to work within the iframe itself, so it’ll work around that limitation.
If you disable your OJS Hypothes.is plugin, then replace the build and web subdirectories in plugins/generic/pdfJsViewer/pdf.js with the contents from the Hypothes.is-forked version, you should get that version of Hypothes.is running instead.
Can you confirm whether that works?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team