I spent quite long time trying to enable Texture Plugin - but without success - I still do not understand how to start in production phase with “empty” JATS xml document - if I look for help page - I see at
" Upload JATS XML to the Production Ready state. You can find sample files… "
So I downloaded manuscript.xml and manifest.xml and uploaded in Production phase file manuscript.xml and file manifest.xml I uploaded as a dependent file - HTML Stylesheet.
When I try now to “Edit with Texture” - only blank page opens - without any error message, no errors in php error.log. The same is hapenning when I use ConvertDocxtoxml Plugin. Again - xml file is in Production stage, but when I click on “Edit with Texture” I get only new blank web page?
I am using the latest version of OJS - and one more information - I have installed also standalone version of Texture Plugin and it works - to be specific - the editor works - I cannot save the files but I expect that this is only problem with some access rights.
Did you try to create an empty but valid JATS XML file and upload it to the production stage? If yes, were there any errors in the browser console or php log?
I have also encountered the same problem. I deleted the texture plugin from the cpanel ojs plugin generic folder. I uploaded latest code from github, it started working.
Bingo!!! After upload of latest code it started working also for me - at least I can edit and save xml text, I have still some problems e.g. with including references and editing metada, but this is another story. Thank you @blmirza
Btw. I tried the Texture plugin in the demo installation on PKP pages and it seems that it is not working too.
The cause can be due to different issues.
Either your xml has an element in the body area, which is not supported by texture or you have mixed-citations. Otherwise please check if the xml is valid.
Can you open the developer tools with f12 and send me the error log there.