We post this message on the forum regarding the Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie. We published a new issue just before Christmas and 2 problems appeared:
- we have defined an order in the articles, but every second time, an article moves when you, as a reader, open the new issue. Is there a solution so that the order does not change?
- creative commons licenses: the (c) always appears before the authors’ names when there is no reason for it to appear. How can we remove it?
In advance, we thank you for your help and wish you a nice day.
Hello @Line_Vionnet,
A few follow-up questions:
- What version of OJS are you using? This might help us better get at a solution for your first question.
- Why are you expecting the (c) symbol not to appear when an article is licensed under a CC license? This is a default behavior in OJS to display the (c) symbol to indicate the copyright owners of an item (set in the settings by Journal administrators). Items under CC licenses are still protected by copyright (it’s just that they have been granted a generous license on top of copyright).
Best regards,
Hello @rcgillis ,
Thank you so much for your precise answer. I understood well your explanation for my second question.
Concerning the first one, here is the version of OJS we are using : OJS
Thank you again for your help.
Best regards,
Hello @Line_Vionnet,
Thank you for providing this information. Are you able to provide a link to your issue where this issue is occurring so I can see how this error is occurring?
Hello @rcgillis,
So here’s the link of the issue concerned : Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020) | Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie
Thanks again for your help.