Hi. Our journal is at http://journal.radicalcriminology.org . We’ve been using OJS … When we last upgraded (back in April), we also migrated to a different server, and mostly, things seemed to be working, although the article image thumbnails in the ToC’s were not appearing (perhaps a broken path?)
Yesterday, I installed 3.0 in a new directory, and then I copied the database (with a new name & user) and copied the public files and pointed the domain to that directory, adjusted the config.inc.php to reflect the new db and ran the upgrade. It did continue to cycle with the circle, but eventually it seems to have been successful. (At first there was an error simply saying “{“status”:true,“content”:”\n\n\t\t\tHelp\n\t</a>\n\n\n\n" on most pages, however I saw the suggestion here to clear the browser cache and that did the trick.)
However, besides losing my double sidebar layout, the main problem was that the HTML galleys no longer appeared in the middle of the OJS framework, but just as a plain file that has to be downloaded and opened. (And appears without any CSS.) Not sure whether that is the new standard, or whether it appears differently with XML, but the editor didn’t like it, so I tried to go back…
I pointed the domain back to the old directory, and therefore I assume, the old database, and I changed the permissions on the 3.0 directory so that it was inaccessible.
However, now none of our galleys are loading! When you click on an article, the HTML version appears to load the frame (and “no refbacks”) but there is no content. Similar blanks when you try for a PDF.
I saw that you had said it’s not possible to revert, but I am still working from the original (not upgraded) database (and codebase.)
Separately, we’ve also been having trouble uploading certain images (in both the journal set-up step 5, which was throwing a 403 forbidden error AND in our OMP installation, where our logo cannot be uploaded, as it says ‘invalid file format’) … The first error was finally corrected by asking our server admin to whitelist some mod_security rules in apache to allow us to upload, but neither specific whitelisting NOR temporarily entirely disabling mod_sec would fix the OMP issue blocking uploads.
Anyway, since the site is now effectively entirely broken (no articles appearing, only the full issue PDFs can be downloaded), and our editor is pressing me to release our next issue any day now, I am in a difficult situation and not sure how to troubleshoot this.
ANY suggestions would be most appreciated.