Problems with DOI registration XML in OJS 3.4.0-4

There are some problems with CrossRef XML.

  1. There is no <citation_list> which is very important to provide.
    Kind of this records would be nice to have

    <unstructured_citation>Melcher F., Graupner T., Oberthür T., Schütte P. Tantalum-(niobium-tin) mineralisation in pegmatites and rare-metal granites of Africa // South African Journal of Geology. 2017. Vol. 120. Iss. 1. P. 77-100. DOI: 10.25131/gssajg.120.1.77</unstructured_citation>
  2. For bilingual journals it is necessary to be able to select the language for metadata such as title (specifically tags: full_title, registrant, abbrev_title). Now it automatically uses primary locate (probably).

Hi @Santa,

Seems to me the same issue as this one: Crossref XML generated by OJS no longer includes the reference section

Regards, Primož

Oh, I see somebody reported already. I will have a look. What about problem (2)?

Hi @Santa,

Ups, overlooked item 2…
I am not sure I believe the plugin exports the metadata depending on the currently selected language for the UI. Not really how it should be, in my opinion.

Regards, Primož

Hi @primozs

the plugin exports the metadata depending on the currently selected language for the UI.

This would be perfect for me. However metadata in tags “full_title” and “abbrev_title” depend on primary language in Website Settings. Tag registrant depends on Publisher given in Publishing Details