We have OJS with several academic journals from the University.
We have just configured the DOI-Crossref plugin successfully for all journals but one…
The problem is simple, after setting-up all data on configuration file with the subfix structure: “ojs_tropelias/%j.%Y%i%a” the %j substitute the journal title with original journal title data as “tropelías” (notice the í) and that is a non valid character for DOIs
But now I can not find how to re-configure the DOI because the configuration page does not show the form with fields…
Can anyone hel us?
Hi @Web_de_la_BUZ_Univer
You can read about DOI and how to configure and adjust it in this link:
But by your question I understood that you don’t see a form when go through:
→ System Plugins → Public Identifier Plugins → DOI plug-in → Settings.
Is it?
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, the initial form for configuration does not appear, only the name and email of administration contact…
Could you check your php error log in your server to verify if there is some error message when you access this admin section?
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team