When I click on no. 46, I am redirected to the current issue. But I know it must have been working the way it should, because my colleagues catalog all articles we publish in our system and check if the links are working. So the problem must have surfaced some time later (don’t know if it is relevant, but if you have the URN you can still download all articles).
We are using OJS The journal is open access and doesn’t have any restrictions. I have checked both issue and articles, but I can’t find anything out of the ordinary.
Could you please check your php error log and verify any message regarded to this action?
It often shows helpful information to debug. Please post it here iss possible.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
I clicked on the issue and then checked the error log, but unfortunately there wasn’t any information on this journal (only some notification about a different journal).
Another thing: even logged in as administrator I can’t see the issue in the frontend.
I know it’s not much to work with
Are you using custom identifiers in your OJS issue? If so, are they numeric?
In this case it would be advisable making them non-numeric e.g. by adding a prefix to the number.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
unfortunately the problem ist still there, even after we applied the patch. There also has never been custom ids, so it wasn’t likely it was the cause for the problem. I’m sorry I have to bother all of you. It’s so strange everything was alright at some time, and now the issue can’t be accessed anymore.
In the journal with this problem i used Custom identifiers to identify issues.(step: 4.3 in the configuration), i dont think that was the best solution but that works for me.