We have performed a test migration of OJS but we are having some problems. Our production build was set up by staff no longer present, and we are rather new to OJS administration. For a more detailed look at the situation described below, please see my blog post at the link below (includes screenshots)
The UNCG university libraries hosts and instance of OJS accessible at libjournal.uncg.edu.
It hosts 14 individual journals, each with numerous editors and contributors.
At the time of its implementation, the university libraries did not have the infrastructure to host the application on a Linux-based technology stack.
Instead, it is hosted on a Microsoft Windows Server 2012 virtual server.
Now that the university libraries has a vibrant open source infrastructure in place, we have decided that we would like to move our existing instance of OJS from the Windows server to a RHEL 7 linux server.
Rough Project Plan:
– Create and configure a RHEL7 virtual server including the apache web server
– Install and configure the technology stack comparable to that which is present on the production instance (php5, mysql/mariadb, etc.
– Fresh installation of OJS on the RHEL7 server
– Copy and Export database dump from production OJS server to RHEL7-OJS build.
– Copy and Export files/uploads folder to RHEL7-OJS build.
– Copy and Export public folder (images, etc) into RHEL7 OJS.
– Validate all features as functional on RHEL7-OJS (with respect to production)
– Ask a volunteer group of end users to validate features and functionality on RHEL7-OJS (with respect to production)
– Upon signoff, designate OJS production freeze date, proceed to next phase of implementation.
Steps Completed So Far:
Create and configure RHEL7 virtual server including apache web server.
- Worked with VMware admin to create virtual RHEL7 server. Installed OS, created users.
- Subscribed system to Red Hat Satellite Server
- Installed php 5
- Installed mariadb, created db user for OJS
- Installed apache web server
- Ran base OJS configuration
- Imported Uploads folder from production
- Imported public folder from production
- Imported database from production
Results of initial setup:
Looks nearly identical minus a few style differences
Opened the Communication Center journal on both systems. All looking well functionally.
Did notice differences in URL format ( libjournal-dev includes “index.php” )
PROBLEM: Attempted to view the PDF of Vol 5 on each. PDF does not display on libjournal-dev
Same goes for journals with HTML entries. Attempted to open Vol 3 of Archival Practice Journal. Does not display on libjournal-dev
Suspected that Rewrite Rules need to be implemented in order to remove the “index.php” from the URL and complete the paths to the location of the HTML and PDF content
Set pathing in /var/www/html/ojs/config.inc.php
Set rewrite rule in /var/www/html/ojs/.htaccess
Restarted system
Attempted to open journal upon restart
Now no page displays at all
Any advice would be most appreciated. Perhaps we are going about this all wrong and it is not practical to “copy and paste” an OJS database into a new instance and expect functionality? Maybe there are some plugins or further configurations we are not considering?