I’m not sure what went wrong: we upgraded from version 2.4 X.X and something is propably missing. T When any published paper is clicked, only title, authors, summary and the link to HTML are shown. Unfortunately the html-link is broken. When I open the users, there’s nothing, and the same with roles. I’m able (after installing QuickSubmitPlugin) to create a new publication, but it doesn’t show any info.
the update to was done yesterday (from, until then the contents could be seen. On version for example the plugin QuickSubmit didn’t work properly
Use your backup copy of OJS and make it default on server
Upgraded copy of OJS put on local comp and when possible patches are applied you can move it on server
on OJS try to install Quick Submit plugin and do upgrade procedure although you do not upgrade whole OJS, and check whether QuickSubmit plugin will work. Please be more explicit what happens with QuickSubmit plugin. Does it exist in /plugins/generic folder etc…