We’ve been using OJS to manage our online Review of Disability Studies Journal for over three years, and we’re having some recurring problems with UsageStats.
We’re not able to access any stats for the last six months, and we’re receiving email error messages about the UsageStats loader (Usage Statistics File Loader Task Error).
We’ve tried the following to address the error:
Placed the logs in the stage folder and waited 24 hours for UsageStatsLoader (Acron) to process the logs
Used the command to trigger the UsageStatsLoader to process right away (see https://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php?title=PKP_Statistics_Framework#Geolocation_database)
Placed all logs in usageEventLogs, and deleted the row table scheduled_tasks in the DB to trigger reprocessing.
Here are the results:
#1 is not working: the file in stage folder is not being processed.
#2 is not working: the logs are moved to reject folder, then you receive the error notices with the following: [2017-09-08 08:42:38] [Error] The COUNTER bot list could not be found, or more than one list is present. The file /home/rdsjournal/uploads/usageStats/processing/usage_events_20170621.log could not be processed.
#3 is not working: similar to #2 the logs are moved to reject folder, then you receive the error notices with the following: [2017-09-08 08:42:38] [Error] The COUNTER bot list could not be found, or more than one list is present. The file /home/rdsjournal/uploads/usageStats/processing/usage_events_20170621.log could not be processed.
Any advice you could offer to help troubleshoot this problem would be greatly appreciated.