My OJS version is OJS
I have a problem with translation, namely:
In the English version there are words: “DOI” and “Keywords”, when translating to Georgian (geo, ka) I see ##semicolon## and ##semicolon##
So when I edit the locale.po file both words are displayed the same, how can I do this?
I am sending a screenshot
please help me
Hi @zviadi_beradze:
You may have to add these lines in locale/Georgia-folder/locale.po file
msgid “article.subject”
msgstr “Keywords-in-Georgia”
And in plugins/pubIds/doi/locale/Georgia-folder/locale.po file
msgid “plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName”
msgstr “DOI-in-Georgia”
I tried it but the problem was not solved.
the problem is that article.subject is the same for both words, DOI - ##semicolon##, Keywords - ##semicolon##, there is no difference, and therefore the program does not distinguish these glory for the GEORGIAN version
and therefore when I write in the locale.po file
msgid “semicolon”
msgstr “word -in-Georgia”
Both words are written the same;
to solve the problem it is necessary that DOI - ##semicolon##, Keywords - ##keywords## and there will be two different entries in the local file
how to do this I don’t know