Problem with the Serbian language @cyrillic/@latinic

When we used the Serbian language @cyrillic/@latinic for submission, we received an empty page. In error.log does not have any errors. It is a problem with more domains. @cyrillic/@latinic options do not work.
We use OJS 3.4.0-5 and, for now, do not have any errors to present. How to solve that can authors submit articles in Serbian language?


Hi @Lazar_Stosic,

I was able to replicate the problem and have passed it on to the dev team for a look. Stay tuned for an update.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

@Lazar_Stosic Thank you for the report.

I created github issue to track that - Locale with variants prevent submission wizard to load · Issue #10209 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub .

Fix will be included in 3.4.0-6.

@Lazar_Stosic If you would be able to apply this small change and verify it solves your problem that would be also very helpful feedback - pkp/pkp-lib#10209 Correctly reference locales with variants in smarty… by jardakotesovec · Pull Request #10210 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Hi @jardakotesovec,

yes, now everything works fine. Thank you very much. You can add this in new version of OJS.
