Editors report a problem with the order of articles in the table of contents. When an article is added to the OJS - version, it is pasted in a random order, and it is important that the order be consistent with the order of submissions. According to the authors, it would be best if the articles appeard on the list according to time of submission of particular article. Then it would be much easier to find it.
Below I paste the screen.
Ordering articles within a section may depend on various requirements, for example how an article is typeset or if an editors wishes to group articles of similar topic together.
So, the requirement of your editors may be conflicting with requirements that other journals have. The way it is currently solved in OJS (just to have an Order button which allows to order the articles freely according to any requirement) offers the greatest freedom.
On solution for your specific journal may be to show the submission id in an additional column - then your editors could sort by submission id (which is coupled to time of submission). You may refer to Ordering published papers by page number to get an idea how you could implement your requirement.