I’m create Journal Editor and Section Editor.

(biotec = journal editor, sectionEditor = section editor)
I’m create “note” section in setting->journal->section.

(Set section editor)
I send paper to articles section

I login section editor.

Why submission assigned with section editor.
thank you ,
In OJS 3.0.2 if you only have one section editor, all submission (regardless of the section) go to that section editor. This bug was filed last fall [OJS] OJS 3.0: Section editor gets assigned to all submissions · Issue #1962 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub and it was fixed last February here Prevent section editor auto-assignments outside section assignments · Issue #2313 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. The fix is not included in OJS 3.0.2 which you can download from the PKP site.
You can either
- Create a patch from the fixes mentioned here Prevent section editor auto-assignments outside section assignments · Issue #2313 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
- Wait for OJS 3.1 which will fix this
- Assign the section editor role to another user. If you have more than one section editor, OJS will work as you would expect.