Hi. I´m working with OJS ( The range of years for publishing date is too short 2005-2017 so I need publish journals before 2005 and i don´t know how to extend this range? Someone can help me please?
Thank you
Hi @nanaluna,
Which date field are you running into – the issue publication date, or the article publication date? Are you using QuickSubmit, or the regular submission workflow?
Generally we recommend using the XML import plugin for large-scale back issue entry, but that can be too technically involved if you’re just bringing in a few issues.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec. Thanks for your reply. Well I´m a little embarrased, because now it´s all ok. I´m uploading pdf articles one by one in regular submission workflow, and when the whole issue is ready for publishing, i do it. Yesterday i couldn´t find previous years to 2005 so I recorded in 2005, i published this single article and voila, scheduling showed me up previous years until 1995.
Hi @nanaluna,
Great, glad to hear it. OJS tries to guess the earliest year that there’s activity for, then subtracts 3 or so from that to give a bit of extra range. Publishing an article from 1995 will open up a few years before that, as you’ve noted.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have the same problem in OJS version and I tried a quick work-around: I edited the file templates/editor/issues/issueData.tpl, and find the line…
{math|assign:“minYear” equation=“min(x,y)-10” x=$publishedYear y=$currentYear}
and replaced it with
{assign var=minYear value=1998}…where 1998 in this case is the first available year.
It did not work. I need help.
Hi @obi,
Potentially a silly question, but is it possible that a) you might be working with the wrong template, or b) your file permissions might be wrong in cache/t_compile? Try making an obvious modification to the template and checking if it’s reflected in the page output.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Obi. I have the same OJS version and I didn´t change any file. Here are some images with the steps I made in Scheduling (“Schedule for publication in” box). They are in spanish, but they are easy to understand. I hope this can help you:
First, select the issue that you want to schedule.
Second, as you can see, there is a limit in range of years. In my case (2005), select that limit (2005) and click on record.
Finally, once you have recorded that limit, check range of years, again. You will see previous years (in my case, 2004, 2003, 2002,…1995). Just select the year that you need and click on record again.
Hi nanaluna,
Thanks very much. it works
Great Obi. I´m glad to help you. Good day
I just independently discovered this solution to what seemed like a baffling problem (OJS 2.3.4). I made a quick, illustrative YouTube video that shows exactly what needs to be done: https://youtu.be/sqjLnwBrclY.