Greetings to the community,
I am preparing a journal with the version ojs-3.1.2-1 on a local server. I downloaded and installed the plugin QuickSubmit (quickSubmit-v1.0.4-1.tar.gz) from the address GitHub - pkp/quickSubmit. But when I am uploading the articles there is a field within the List of Contributors called Contributor’s role * that although I check it, I get the following error: Please select the contributor’s role.
When reviewing the log it shows me the following error that supposedly refers to an error of writing a file but when we correct it it takes us to another file with another writing error and so on without finishing. We do not believe that all these files contain so many errors so we consult them to tell us what it can be because we are stopped by this.
[Sun Sep 01 00:05:40.942366 2019] [php7:warn] [pid 3524:tid 1592] [client ::1:51479] PHP Warning: Declaration of DRIVERDAO::setOAI(&$oai) should be compatible with PKPOAIDAO::setOAI($oai) in C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs-3.1.2-1\plugins\generic\driver\ on line 19, referer: http://localhost/ojs-3.1.2-1/index.php/rlrn/management/importexport/plugin/QuickSubmitPlugin
We appreciate the help you can give us.
Hi @cervantes,
The error message you quote above is a warning, and shouldn’t cause any problems. What kind of file permission errors are you getting?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The system informs me that I must select the author’s role and as a result it does not let me close the submission. Recently we tried it from another local server and it reported the same. We would appreciate any suggestions you can give us. Thank you
Hi @cervantes,
I’m not sure I’m following – can you illustrate what you mean with screenshots?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @cervantes,
The issue is that there should be a contributor role list, but it’s not displaying because it is empty. Have you customized/removed the roles in Users & Roles > Roles? Do you see e.g. “Author” listed there?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I do not see what to modify on the screen that tells me, I attached an
image. I selected all available fields and I get the same error.
I remain aware of your comments.

Hi @cervantes,
It looks like you have deleted all “Author” roles. You’ll have to create one in order for the QuickSubmit plugin to work.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
OK thanks, but how should I do that exactly.
Hi @cervantes,
Use the “Create New Role” button in the top-right corner of the roles list.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear colleague, the problem with the plugin has already been resolved
thanks to your suggestion.