Our OJS doesn’t display PDFs. Besides, setting changes are not allowed.
Is that fresh installation? Did you change some permissions on server? Please try to be more specific how you got that error.
Yes, it is a fresh installation. We upgraded from 2.4.2 to and then PDFs are not visualized. By the way, thanks for answer back.
Please post screenshot of what OJS tells you when is not able to display pdf.
Dear, here I post a screenshot. Thanks a lot, regards,
Hello, In one of my installatrions of I do see as on image below
Do you have like I do separated title, abstract, full text?
Yes, I have separate title, abstract and full text; but when I clic on PDF link then I see as on image I sent you before. Thanks a lot!
Do you have php error log available? Please post it so we can check what is happenning when you try to open pdf file.
I don’t have any php error, please, check by yourself at: http://revistas.bnjm.cu/index.php/anales/issue/view/270/showToc.
However, when I clic on the option: Print this article, then the PDF is downloaded.
Please check final stages of submission. Is everything OK there.
I would suggest to ask @asmecher about issue.
Hi all,
Some suggestions:
- For the PDF visualization, make sure the PDF.js plugin is enabled, if it isn’t already.
- For the trouble changing settings, I’m not sure exactly what you’re seeing, but it’s possible that you have a file permissions problem in your
directory. Make sure OJS can administer these files. You should be able to delete all.php
files incache/
, and OJS will re-create them as needed.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you so much for your answer. Regards,
Carlos Luis.