Problem with installing OJS 3.2.0-1 with languages


I’ve installed the newest OJS-Version on my local system which workted quite well. But now I’ve encountered a problem. I checked all languages in the install process, but if I try to create a new journal, nothing happens and in the browser console I get this error: TypeError: “e.availableLocales is null”

I guess something didn’t work with the Locales, but because I don’t have access to the site settings yet (as long as I don’t create at least two journals), I cannot disable them or check if they are there. What can I do?

Kind regards

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Hi @UBWolf,

What is the encoding of the database?

Do you mean the collation? It’s utf8mb4_general_ci.
I’m sorry if this isn’t the right information. I only have a bit experience with creating databases.

Kind regards


When trying to create a new journal, are there any relevant errors in PHP log?

No, there are only notification and warnings, but no error. I can post them here, if you want.

@asmecher, can you look at this one?

When I’m trying to install all locales, I receive:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Exception: DB Error: Data too long for column 'installed_locales' at row 1 Query: UPDATE site SET redirect = ?,primary_locale = ?,min_password_length = ?,installed_locales = ?,supported_locales = ? in /var/www/ojs-3.2.0-1/lib/pkp/classes/db/

But I’m not sure if it’s related.

That column length tops out at 255 characters; maybe it needs to be transformed to another type of column – but it’s not really a common case, installing all locales, I don’t think!

I’ve submitted that as Installing all locales leads to an error message · Issue #5671 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub but I don’t think it’s what the OP is encountering.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

For your information: I’ve installed OJS a second time, now without enabling any languages aside from English. Now I don’t have the error anymore.
Therefor I think the two problems are connected. Do you think it might be a problem upgrading a system with so many languages? We use almost all of them.

Kind regards

Hi @UBWolf,

OK, this does help. It looks like the storage format for the locale list changed from a colon-separated list to a serialized PHP array, which consumes a little more space. That would explain why a list that wasn’t previously too long has now become so.

I’ve corrected this for release in 3.2.0-2 and onwards, but in the meantime you can correct this by following the instructions at Installing all locales leads to an error message · Issue #5671 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

thank you very much!

Kind regards