Hi I have a problem with uploading images to the site. The files are uploaded without extension. In the public folder relative to the newspaper the files appear without extension and also in the source file “img src = “http: // localhost /ojs / public / journals / 2 / pageHeaderLogoImage_it_IT” width = “700” height = “168” /”.
The ojs version is under php 7.4.
Thank you
Hi @patrizia,
Is it that you’re uploading the file without an extension - or that uploading removes the extension? If so, what is the original file extension you’re using?
PKP Team
The uploading remove the extension (.PNG)
Hi @patrizia,
That’s strange. Not sure exactly what the issue is here. I’ll see if one of our other team members can assist when they are available.
Best regards,
PKP Team
I solved it by entering the extension extension = php_fileinfo.dll
in the php.ini file