Server Configuration
Windows 10
Apache Version: 2.4.41
Server Software:
Apache/2.4.41 (Win64) PHP/7.4.0 - Port defined for Apache: 80
PHP Version:7.4.0
MariaDB Version: 10.4.10 - Port defined for MariaDB: 3306 - Default DBMS
Driver de la base de datos mysqli
Discription: I migrated from ojs-3.0.2 to ojs-3.2.0. One by one. I have my OJS working but I cant save setup changes. I got an error: An unexpected error occurred that may have been disconnected Try again. I did not start de proyect I impoted the Data Base and OJS folder from one version running in Debian…
Hi @Williams_Baster,
Check your PHP error log for details.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
1 Like
@asmecher thanks. Can I post the log here ??
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Core::removeBaseUrl() should not be called statically in C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\plugins\generic\usageStats\ on line 767
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\index.php:0
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 2. Application->execute() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\index.php:68
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 3. Dispatcher->dispatch() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\classes\core\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 4. PageRouter->route() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\classes\core\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 5. PageRouter->_authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\classes\core\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 6. IndexHandler->index() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\classes\core\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 7. Request->redirect() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\pages\index\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 8. Request->redirectUrl() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\classes\core\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 9. AcronPlugin->shutdownFunction() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\plugins\generic\acron\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 10. UsageStatsLoader->execute() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\plugins\generic\acron\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 11. UsageStatsLoader->executeActions() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\classes\scheduledTask\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 12. UsageStatsLoader->executeActions() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\plugins\generic\usageStats\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 13. UsageStatsLoader->processFile() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\classes\task\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 14. UsageStatsLoader->_getUrlMatches() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\plugins\generic\usageStats\
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Core::_getBaseUrlAndPath() should not be called statically in C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\lib\pkp\classes\core\ on line 231
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\index.php:0
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 2. Application->execute() C:\wamp64\www\teceduok\index.php:68
[10-Mar-2020 10:48:05 UTC] PHP 3. Dispatcher->dispatch()
Hi @Williams_Baster,
Note that it’s not required to upgrade one version at a time – the OJS 3.2.0 upgrade scripts can handle an upgrade directly from 3.0.2.
Those warnings in the log are cosmetic and can be ignored; you’re looking for something containing the word “Error”.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I got an error in apache error logs
[Tue Mar 10 15:21:36.149613 2020] [access_compat:error] [pid 8184:tid 1244] [client ::1:64219] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: C:/wamp64/www/teceduok/index.php, referer: http://teceduok/index.php/tecedu/management/settings/context
@asmecher. The links helped me. It was .htacces permissions, I commented the restrictions . Thanks, it works now.
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