OJS 3.1.2
I’m having trouble adding a new reviewer using the “Enroll Existing User” link.
In the text field with autocomplete, I insert the initials of the name so that the list of possible reviewers appears.
As you can see in the figure, the first in the list is an author and not a reviewer, while the second is a reviewer of another journal.
Selecting any one of the 2 the text field is filled with the user_id of the user and in this way it is not possible to continue the procedure.
Am I doing something wrong or is it a problem to fix?
Hi @eniocarboni,
Thank you for your question. Could you clarify whether you are trying to add a reviewer who is a registered reviewer on your site or enroll a user who is not already a reviewer to become a reviewer?
Kind Regards,
Patricia Mangahis
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Hi @pmangahis, the main problem is the incorrect operation of the auto-completion field.
As I tried to say above, entering the three “ojs” characters I have the list of 2 possible people to use as reviewers.
The first “ojs autore” is the author of this submission, and therefore also an author of this journal, while the second, “ojsreviewer” is a reviewer of another journal of the same OJS 3.1.2 installation.
Assuming that the logic of also seeing users of other journals is right for the autocompletion field, the problem arises as soon as you select a choice from those available.
In fact, once the reviewer is selected in the autocomplete field, only the number (the user_id of the “users” table of the database) associated with the user appears.
This does not allow the “Enroll Existing User” operation to continue.
Hi @eniocarboni, is this problem occurring on your PKP test journal?
Hi @pmangahis, this problem occurred initially at the production site, then verified at the test / development site and finally I replicated it on a new installation of OJS 3.1.2.
Just opened the issue #4737 https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues/4737
I’m having the same problem. Did you find a solution for this?
Hi @mraleiras,
yes I found the solution.
The problem is in the plugin that uses the .size() method which now no longer exists in jQuery and which must be replaced with the .length property.
Immediately I used my patch as you can see in #4737 Fix jquery removed function (size) · eniocarboni/pkp-lib@c79737e · GitHub.
Later in OJS 3.1.2-1 it is resolved definitively by completely eliminating the jquery.jlabel plugin.
I hope you find it useful.
Hi @eniocarboni thank you for your reply. We have upgraded OJS to the latest version and this problem is fixed.