Hi …
I have the following problem Error: Duplicate entry ‘plugins.generic-orcidProfile-1-1-1-1’ for key ‘versions_pkey’
i think i need to delete something in the database but i can’t find that name.
This error prevents me from viewing or configuring the plugins installed on the site.
Can you tell me how to do the database search to remove the duplicate entry?
It would be of great help, not only for me but also for several other users who do not have much expertise in modifying the databases of the OJS system.
How can you remove the orcid plugins? … by removing the folder from the directory and from the database … but the problem is that I can’t find the plugins in the database …
How do I find the plugins in the database?
go to phpmyadmin and I’m in the database … but I can’t find the plugins registry.
I use OJS 3.1.2-1
Hi @David_Alarcon_davidy,
You might not want to remove the plugin, but rather disable it and reinstall it in the plugin gallery. Once you do that, perhaps let me know what version of the plugin you are seeing in the plugin gallery? OJS 3.1 is an older version of the software now and the latest versions of the ORCID plugin with new bug fixes and are compatible with OJS 3.2 and OJS 3.1.
PKP Team
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I appreciate your comment and advice.
The problem in the database was not detected in the update 2.x to 3.x which I did two years ago. I can’t remember if myself or the site manager tried to update Orcid from the magazine admin panel, but now (March 2021), I couldn’t see the installed plugins. This page was working but did not show the installed plugins (settings / website> plugins> Installed plugins). In the hosting error_log I could see “Duplicate entry ‘plugins.generic-orcidProfile-1-1-1-1’ for key ‘versions_pkey’”.
I got help from a user on the pkp forum on how to fix the problem and I describe it here. First of all, to make any test or modification, backups must be made (of the site, files folder and database) as a security measure.
Steps to solve:
1.- Make a query to the database to see the duplicate data (in this case “orcidProfile”): SELECT * FROM versions WHERE product = ‘orcidProfile’;
2.- Verify in the hosting that there was no other folder with some version of orcid.
3.- Once verified, delete the duplicate entry from the database.
In my case the data table showed me version and another version 0.0.0.(I can’t remember the number correctly) for orcidProfile. I removed the one that did not correspond to the version installed in plugins / generic / orcidProfile / version.xml.
Then error_log showed me another error with the pdfJsViewer plugins and I did the same steps above.
After this the system allows me to update.
I appreciate your advice and especially the user of the forum @ajnyga who told me how to make the query in the database.