I am using OJS version
It seems that we have enabled PKP PN, because at the Plugin Gallery I see under “Status” that it “Can be upgraded”. But when I click on “PKP|PN (PKP Preservation Network) Plugin” then I get this screen:
Plugin already installed, but can be updated to a newer version.
Reviewed This plugin has been reviewed and approved by the Public Knowledge Project team.
When I go to Website Settings → Archiving, I see that the box in front of
“PKP PN plugin enabled” is not checked. But when I check this box and save it, then again the box changes to unchecked.
Could you please assist me in getting PKP PN working.
I am the Journal Manager of our journal, but I do not have administrator rights. So I can’t tell you now if there is a plugins/generic/pln directory on the server.
I have read somewhere in the PKP documentation that it is also possible for a journal manager to install PKP PN:
“Preservation agreement (Journal terms)
Journal managers who would like their journal to be included in the PKP PN need to accept the Journal Terms via the LOCKSS OJS plugin.”
But I do not find the place where I can accept the Journal Terms. And I do not find the LOCKSS OJS plugin.