Recently we upgraded OJS from version 2.4.8-0 to version 2.4.8-2. After this, it happened an error when the public issue identifier (in ussue data edition) is composed with a “/” (ex.: Outubro/Dezembro-2017) on preview issue I think it’s because the character is replaced by “%2F”
This event is happening just before the upgrade…
Hi @Mauricio_Adriano,
I would recommend against using slashes in the custom URLs. These should be encoded as %2F
in the URL, as the custom ID is only one component of the URL and components are separated by slashes – so they’ll be quite ugly to work with in practice.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes Alec, I agree with you, but this was a choice of a journal editor… Independing of this ugly choice, my doubt is about the causes of the system before works and after the upgrade doen’st recognize the “/”… what could it happen?
Hi @Mauricio_Adriano,
My memory’s not great on this, but I recall a tweak done between OJS 2.4.8-0 and 2.4.8-2 to correct an escaping issue – and an attendant Apache configuration issue – that could be combining to cause problems here. Try the Apache setting at Ojs 3: Not Found error when downloading Full Issue to see if it has an impact.
The behavior you’re looking for is for /
to be translated to %2f
in the URLs – if OJS isn’t resolving that URL when you fetch it, then that’s the issue, not the escaping in the first place.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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