Possible OJS 3.0.3?


There have been a lot of important fixes since the release of 3.0.2 done in OJS and pkp-lib which are coming in OJS 3.1. Now that the release is postponed to summer I was just wondering whether it would be possible to release a 3.0.3. version with the central bug fixes done during the spring? It seems that 3.1. was postponed mainly due few new big features (subscribtions, publish-as-you-go).

I realize that I do not know how much effort it takes to wrap up a new release (and if this takes too long, I of course understand that it is time out of development), but I am afraid that the release of 3.1. will be postponed even more, making it hard to juggle with all the post-3.0.2 fixes on production sites.

Hi @ajnyga,

We’d likely release an OJS 3.0.2-1 rather than a 3.0.3, since it would come from the ojs-stable-3_0_2 branch rather than master – but it’s certainly worth considering. Have you thought about using the git ojs-stable-3_0_2 branch directly?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


Thanks. Yes, we are considering moving to Git altogether, but it is really my lack of expertise there that stops me from doing that right away. The problem is mainly my schedule.