Our platform is OJS 3.0.2. An article in review has three reviewers, one of them submitted her review within the time limit. The other two reviewers have no replied. On 22 September OJS sent an authomatic reminder to all of them, and after that, marked as Completed the only review. This is the history for the reviewer who sent her’s review:

The other reviewers history:

May it be a bug or is it a misconfiguration on our journal?
Thanks for helping,
Hi @celuloide,
Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but this looks OK to me – all 3 reviewers received reminders, and only one of them completed the review. What different behavior do you expect?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
But the reviewer says she submitted her review on 2 July… It’s been confusing for her to get a reminder on 22 September. We also had an issue with dates due to I modified the format of the dates on the configuration file. As I read on other post, I set it back to default and that problem is more or less solved. Do you think that issue could be causing this problem also?
Thank you 
Hi @celuloide,
I don’t see any July 2 dates listed there; are you sure?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
That’s what reviewer said… She mail us on 22 september’s night suprised about the reminder. She asked if there was an error in the form. The thing is on 2 July we were still at OJS 2.4.8. On August we upgrade to 3.0.2. It looks like OJS registered the review after sending the reminder, is it possible?
Hi @celuloide,
I wonder whether e.g. she entered her review but forgot to confirm that she had completed it. From the screenshot, it does look like this happened on 09/22, after the reminder went out.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Ok, we are going to ask the reviewer ant to be careful to see it is repeated.
Thanks for your help.